Simona Fedele, Dubai

During my pregnancy I read many books, I found as much as information as I could on the web, I knew that I wanted to be a different parent and I didn’t want to follow the mainstream parenting. However, I didn’t know how to put it in practice until I found a person very qualified and passionate about better, gentle ways of parenting.
Raluca was the input I was waiting for. She opened up my eyes and helped me understand how to best follow my instinct in the process of rising up my daughter. She also shared the wisdom of being a conscious parent who cares about the environment I live in or I provide for my daughter. That extends from the quality of food to the importance of hows and whys of the time I spend with my daughter.
Raluca presented me with the means and importance of the mutual respect, empathy, listening, responding and understanding. Applying her methods ever since my daughter was born set us on the right track to establishing a unique bond with her.
I spent the most beautiful two years of my life. Raluca was always beside to support me, with her wide knowledge and with her natural attitude to establish a deep connection with every person. My daughter is growing as a happy, confident and lovely child who can only make me feel satisfied, and proud of myself. I couldn’t ask more from my life.

Posted in Testimonials

About Me


  • I met Raluca in June 2013 and since then I am constantly learning from her. Not only is she an excellent professional, able to asses and provide solutions adapted to each family and for every child, but first of all

  • In a sea of ‘parenting experts’, many of whom aren’t even parents, it’s refreshing to meet someone so invested and involved as a parent and professional. Raluca takes children personally and treats them with the respect and dignity they deserve

  • During my pregnancy I read many books, I found as much as information as I could on the web, I knew that I wanted to be a different parent and I didn’t want to follow the mainstream parenting. However, I

  • Raluca presented to me Sleeptalk at the moment my son had tantrums, and it proved to be helpful. I started the method immediately and from the second week I could see that my son was not going into tantrums so

  • I am simply amazed by the impact of the approach Mrs.Postolache applied in raising her own child, presenting me with one of the most emotionally stable and mature toddlers(words not usually put together in same sentence, especially describing “terrible two phase”

  • I’ve had a few behavioral issues with my daughter when I spoke to Raluca asking for her advice on our situation, among other great advice, she introduced me to SleepTalk.The concept was simple, appeal to the child’s subconscious with reassuring