The Happiest Baby On The Block

In 2002, Dr. Karp stunned the medical world (and made parents cheer!) by solving the 3000-year-old mystery of colic with his discovery of the calming reflex – the incredible “off-switch” for infant crying and on switch for baby sleep that can soothe most fussy babies in minutes… or less and add 1-3 hours to a baby’s sleep.

No wonder pediatricians across the world are praising his methods and millions of parents, from working moms to superstars like Madonna and Michele Pfeiffer, wanted to learn the secrets for making their babies happy.

Never again will parents have to stand by helpless and frazzled while their poor baby cries and cries. There IS a cure for colic. Happiest Baby on the Block shows the world that we do not have to let our babies cry it out. “Now parents can easily learn the methods used by the best baby soothers throughout history.”

In a thought-provoking new view of infancy, Happiest Baby on the Block blends modern science and ancient wisdom to prove that newborns are not really ready for the world when they are born. Through research and experience, Happiest Baby on the Block provides four basic principles that are crucial for understanding babies…improving their sleep…and, soothing their senses:

  • The Missing 4th Trimester: As odd as it may sound, one of the main reasons babies cry is because they are born three months too soon.
  • The Calming Reflex: The automatic reset switch that can stop a baby’s crying…and boost a baby’s sleep…during the first months of life.
  • The 5 S’s: Five simple steps that trigger the calming reflex (swaddling, side/stomach position, shushing, swinging and sucking). For centuries, parents have tried these methods only to fail because, as with a knee reflex, the calming reflex only works when it is triggered in exactly the right way.
  • The Cuddle Cure: The perfect mix the 5 S’s that can soothe even most colicky infants and add hours to their sleep.

My name is Raluca and I am UAE’s Happiest Baby Certified Educator. You may contact me at . The appointment brings you gifts!


About Me


  • I met Raluca in June 2013 and since then I am constantly learning from her. Not only is she an excellent professional, able to asses and provide solutions adapted to each family and for every child, but first of all

  • In a sea of ‘parenting experts’, many of whom aren’t even parents, it’s refreshing to meet someone so invested and involved as a parent and professional. Raluca takes children personally and treats them with the respect and dignity they deserve

  • During my pregnancy I read many books, I found as much as information as I could on the web, I knew that I wanted to be a different parent and I didn’t want to follow the mainstream parenting. However, I

  • Raluca presented to me Sleeptalk at the moment my son had tantrums, and it proved to be helpful. I started the method immediately and from the second week I could see that my son was not going into tantrums so

  • I am simply amazed by the impact of the approach Mrs.Postolache applied in raising her own child, presenting me with one of the most emotionally stable and mature toddlers(words not usually put together in same sentence, especially describing “terrible two phase”

  • I’ve had a few behavioral issues with my daughter when I spoke to Raluca asking for her advice on our situation, among other great advice, she introduced me to SleepTalk.The concept was simple, appeal to the child’s subconscious with reassuring