It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas and, since it’s all about the spirit of giving, a barnyard made from recycled materials, for my son to gift to his toy animals, seems just the right thing to build.
– 2 white apple boxes from the organic shop
– Coffee stirrers
– Brown construction paper
– Hot glue gun
– Knife
As simple as this and a bit of patience. It took me two evenings after I put my son to bed.
I first measured and drew the shape of the barn walls and roof on the boxes. Then i went straight into cutting them out. On one side of the roof, i cut a square where i, later, placed the chimney. Using the hot glue gun i have assembled it all together. The coffee stirrers were used to cover any faults and give accents. The roof was covered in the recycled, brown paper i received from an shipment.
Merry Christmas everyone! May the spirit of giving follow every step of the way and lead us to feel great happiness, through gifting.